Children's Nursing Degree Courses in the UK - Bachelor & Master

Interested only in courses in London?
9 Children's Nursing Courses in London.
  • I Am A Children's Nurse
  • Why I Chose To Study Children's Nursing
  • What is being a Children's nursing student like
  • The Placement Experience - Child Nursing

Student Reviews

Overall student satisfaction
78 /100
1845 total respondents

Primarily based on data from undergraduate degree students.

The NSS is commissioned by the Office for Students


Primarily based on salary data of undergraduate students

Salary of all UK Graduates of Children's Nursing

  15 months after graduation 3 years after graduation 5 years after graduation
Median salary £25012 £26657 £29434
25-75 percentile range £24977 - £26582 £20583 - £30582 £22466 - £35194

Salary of all UK Graduates of all subjects

  15 months after graduation 3 years after graduation 5 years after graduation
Median salary £25378 £26044 £29294
25-75 percentile range £24544 - £26485 £19550 - £29375 £22106 - £34488

Jobs & Career Perspectives

Career perspectives for Children's Nursing

15 months after graduation, graduates of this subject were asked about their current circumstances of employment, what they do, and whether their activities and perspectives are directly related to their studies.

Current jobs

Among graduates of Children's Nursing who indicated that they are working, the percentage below represents the number who “agree” or “strongly agree” with the statements about their job.

Typical employers for graduates of Children's Nursing

  • Hospitals
  • National Health Services
  • Local or National Government

Jobs of graduates of Children's Nursing (15 months after graduation)

Example below based on all graduates of Children's Nursing at Anglia Ruskin University

95% Caring personal services
5% Artistic, literary and media occupations
5% Nursing Professionals

Entry Requirements / Admissions

UCAS Tariff of Accepted Students for Children's Nursing

Get advice on which foundation courses are best for you to still study Children's Nursing, if you do not meet the minimum requirements in terms of UCAS score, A levels, or English language requirements.


Children's Nursing is the study of the principles and techniques to allow nurses to support and provide care for children and their families, from infancy to adolescence.

The median salary of graduates of Children's Nursing was £25012 15 months after graduation, £26657 3 years after graduation and £29434 5 years after graduation.

  • The following degrees are offered for Children's Nursing studies:
  • Master of Science - MSc
  • Master of Nursing - MN
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) - BSc (Hons)
  • Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) - BN (Hons)
  • Master of Science (Honours) - Msci (Hons)
  • Masters of Nursing and Social Work - MNSW
  • Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) - BNurs (Hons)
  • Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
  • Master of Science (Postgraduate) - MSc (PG)