Gas Engineering Degree Courses in the UK - Bachelor & Master

Program University Student satis­faction Unem­ployed Drop­out Tuition (UK) Tuition (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff City
Petroleum and Gas Engineering MSc University of Portsmouth - - - £3300 £6400 - Portsmouth
On campus Part-time
Oil and Gas Engineering MSc University of Aberdeen - - - £11100 £27000 - Aberdeen
On campus Full-time
Oil and Gas Engineering MSc Coventry University - - - - - - Coventry
On campus Full-time
Oil and Gas Engineering MSc University of Central Lancashire - - - - - - Preston
On campus Part-time
Oil and Gas Engineering MSc MSc Brunel University - - - - - - Uxbridge
On campus Full-time
  • A Day in the Life of our Gas Engineer
  • Why Become A Gas Engineer?


Gas Engineering is the study of the principles of engineering as they apply to gases and their production and use.

  • The following degrees are offered for Gas Engineering studies:
  • Master of Science - MSc