University of Chester
Nutrition and Dietetics BSc (Hons)
University of Chester

Key Course Facts

Student Reviews

Below you can see course specific reviews for 20 graduates of Nutrition and Dietetics BSc (Hons) at University of Chester for each of the survey questions in comparison to the average for all UK degree courses in Nutrition and Dietetics.

Overall student satisfaction
76 /100
20 total respondents
The NSS is commissioned by the Office for Students


Salary of Graduates in Nutrition and Dietetics

Important: Salary data below is not course specific, but contains data of all students of Nutrition and Dietetics at the university. Due to data collection methodology, salary data is mainly based on data related to undergraduate students.

  15 months after graduation 3 years after graduation 5 years after graduation
Median salary £28000 £23500 £28000
25-75 percentile range £27000 - £32500 £18000 - £26500 £20000 - £31000

Salary of all UK Graduates of Nutrition and Dietetics

  15 months after graduation 3 years after graduation 5 years after graduation
Median salary £25019 £22649 £26185
25-75 percentile range £23039 - £29019 £17155 - £26223 £19181 - £31257

Course Description

With clinical placements in each year of study and ward simulation throughout, our Allied Health Professional approved course gives you genuine, practical experience, and allows you to register as a dietitian with the HCPC.

This is an Allied Health Professional approved course that is Professional Body Regulated by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) – a key marker of quality. The course is relevant for those wishing to become dietitians; work in public health, the food and drink industry, medical nutrition, sports nutrition, and the media; or progress into academia and research. We are committed to developing competent, compassionate dietitians who are equipped with the skills, knowledge, values and attitude necessary to work in a multitude of different areas. Our aim is to help our students develop into future leaders in the fields of nutrition, physical activity, food science and health

We actively engage with local dietetic departments to provide you with a course that has an ethos of research and evidence-informed practice, fostering your professional development. Our teaching staff in our dynamic Department bring a wealth of expertise to the course including nutrition, the food industry, public health, biosciences, sport and exercise, and of course, dietetics. Through service user participation, and our innovative approaches to teaching and learning, it brings the real world of dietetics into taught sessions.

Jobs & Career Perspectives

15 months after graduation, graduates of this course were asked about what they do and, if they are working, about their current job and their perspectives.

Current jobs

Required skill level of job after 15 months

Jobs of graduates of this course (15 months after graduation)

Example below based on all graduates of Nutrition and Dietetics BSc (Hons) at University of Chester

75% Teaching Professionals
15% Managers, directors and senior officials
10% Business and Financial Project Management Professionals

A wide range of creative and innovative assessment methods are used throughout the course to not only assess learning, but also enhance your employability skills. You will be assessed through a mixture of coursework, case studies, portfolio assessments, presentations, examinations and observed clinical assessments. Assessment also includes individual and collaborative work to help you develop team working skills essential for working as a dietitian.

Entry Requirements / Admissions

UCAS Tariff of Accepted Students for this course

Qualification requirements

Including a relevant subject/science @ C or above (80 UCAS tariff points)

Scottish Higher qualifications are considered on an individual basis

Access to HE Diploma

31-30 overall or 665-655 in 3 HL subjects.

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma (first teaching from September 2016)

The University of Chester considers a wide range of Level 3 qualifications and a wide range of professional / vocational qualifications.

Requirements for international students / English requirements

IELTS academic test score (similar tests may be accepted as well)

    • 6.5
    • All Degrees
Get advice on which foundation courses are best for you to still study Nutrition and Dietetics, BSc (Hons), if you do not meet the minimum requirements in terms of UCAS score, A levels, or English language requirements.


Tuition Fees Nutrition and Dietetics BSc (Hons)

EU £9250 year 1
England UK £9250 year 1
Northern Ireland £9250 year 1
Scotland £9250 year 1
Wales £9250 year 1
Channel Islands £9250 year 1

Additional fee information

The University may increase these fees at the start of each subsequent year of your course in line with inflation at that time, as measured by the Retail Price Index. These fee levels and increases are subject to any necessary government, and other regulatory, approvals.

Average student cost of living in the UK

Rent £518
Water, gas electricity, internet (at home) £50
Supermarket shopping £81
Clothing £35
Eating out £33
Alcohol £27
Takeaways / food deliveries £30
Going out / entertainment (excl.alcohol, food) £24
Holidays and weekend trips £78
Transport within city £17
Self-care / sports £20
Stationary / books £13
Mobile phone / internet £13
Cable TV / streaming £7
Insurance £51
Other £95
Average student cost of living £1092

London costs approx 34% more than average, mainly due to rent being 67% higher than average of other cities. For students staying in student halls, costs of water, gas, electricity, wifi are generally included in the rental. Students in smaller cities where accommodation is in walking/biking distance transport costs tend to be significantly smaller.

How to apply

Application deadline:

August 1, 2025

This is the deadline for applications to be completed and sent for this course. If the university or college still has places available you can apply after this date, but your application is not guaranteed to be considered.

Possible Entry Points:

  • year 1 (Default entry point)

UCAS application code:


University Rankings

University Guru Meta Ranking
of University of Chester

among 379 universities in England UK
based on 16 different rankings

Positions of University of Chester in top UK and global rankings.

See all 16 university rankings of University of Chester

About University of Chester

List of 330 Bachelor and Master Courses from University of Chester - Course Catalogue

Student composition of University of Chester

  • Student Life - University of Chester
  • Meet Our Students
  • Settling in at the University of Chester
  • Sport: meet the students
  • A City for Students: Behind the Photoshoot
  • Business and Management: meet the students

Where is this programme taught

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FAQ about Nutrition and Dietetics BSc (Hons) University of Chester

  • Tuition fees for this programme are 9250 per year for UK students. In addition to the tuition fees you should also take into consideration the average monthly cost of living for students in the UK.

  • The median salary of graduates of this course was £28000 15 months after graduation, £23500 3 years after graduation and £28000 after graduation.

  • Teaching Professionals (75%), Managers, directors and senior officials (15%), Business and Financial Project Management Professionals (10%),

  • 20 graduates rated the course 76. This means that 76% of graduates indicated that they were satisfied or very satisfied with the course. See detailed ratings above and how these compare to the averages at other universities.

  • Nutrition and Dietetics BSc (Hons) is taught on campus and cannot be taken online at University of Chester.

  • It is very difficult to get accepted into this course. Accepted students had an average UCAS tariff score of 161 which makes it one of the 13.24% most difficult courses to enter among all Nutrition students in the UK.