Pädagogische Studien Studiengänge in Großbritannien - Bachelor & Master (Education studies)

Programm Universität Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff Stadt
Psychology (Educational and Developmental Psychology) BSc (Hons) Nottingham Trent University 80% 4% 0% £17150 143 Nottingham
Oncampus Vollzeit
Media & Communications and Sport & Physical Education (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 91% 0% 13% £12500 124 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Addysg a Gofal Blynyddoedd Cynnar DipHE University of Wales - 7% 46% £13500 105 Cardiff
Oncampus Vollzeit
Physical Education and Sports Coaching with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) York St John University 70% 0% 15% £14000 118 York
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education Studies - Geography BA (Hons) Durham University 71% 5% 1% £23800 £24750 159 Durham
Oncampus Vollzeit
Primary Education with English BA (Hons) University of Reading 81% 0% 0% £22350 162 Reading
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education and English Literature BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 66% 3% 15% £12500 119 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education and Law (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 80% 10% 6% £12500 112 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education and History BA (Hons) University of Strathclyde 94% 5% 10% £19600 174 Glasgow
Oncampus Vollzeit
Early Years Education and Care: Early Years Practitioner Status BA (Hons) University of Wales 72% 0% 8% £13500 137 Cardiff
Oncampus Vollzeit
Health & Wellbeing and Sport & Physical Education (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 85% 0% 13% £12500 119 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education and Law BA (Hons) University of Strathclyde 95% 1% 4% £19600 199 Glasgow
Oncampus Vollzeit
English Language and Special Educational Needs (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 76% 0% 7% £12500 118 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education and Tourism (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 80% 10% 5% £12500 125 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education and French BA (Hons) University of Strathclyde 92% 0% 5% £19600 195 Glasgow
Oncampus Vollzeit
Primary Education (Early Years 3-7) with QTS BA (Hons) Leeds Trinity University 84% 15% 3% £12000 141 Leeds
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education Studies BA (Hons) University of East London - 5% 10% £14160 £14820 130 London
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education and Religious Studies (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 80% 5% 10% £12500 122 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education Studies BA (Hons) University of Cumbria 73% 5% 10% £13250 121 Carlisle
Oncampus Vollzeit
Primary Education (5-11) BA (Hons) York St John University 93% 4% 2% £14000 144 York
Oncampus Vollzeit
Primary and Early Years Education (3-11) with QTS BA (Hons) University of Cumbria 78% 3% 6% £13250 130 Carlisle
Oncampus Vollzeit
Primary Education (QTS) Foundation Stage/KS1 BA (Hons) University of Roehampton 52% 0% 5% £15000 £15750 127 Roehampton
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education Studies with Integrated Foundation Year BA (Hons) University of Sunderland 73% 0% 5% £16000 120 Sunderland
Oncampus Vollzeit
Primary Education (with QTS) BEd (Hons) Plymouth Marjon University 86% 0% 5% £14500 152 Plymouth
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education Studies and Early Childhood BA (Hons) The University of Winchester 71% 10% 0% £16700 144 Winchester
Oncampus Vollzeit
Accounting & Finance and Sport & Physical Education (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 84% 0% 13% £12500 123 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education Studies and Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusion (SENDI) BA (Hons) Bishop Grosseteste University 92% 0% 15% £12690 133 Lincoln
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education and History (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 84% 10% 10% £12500 113 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education Studies with Psychology BA (Hons) De Montfort University 68% 7% 10% £15250 £15750 119 Leicester
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education Studies and Sociology BA (Hons) Bishop Grosseteste University 92% 1% 10% £12690 133 Lincoln
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education, Inclusion and Special Educational Needs BA (Hons) University of Gloucestershire - 0% 10% £15000 £15450 £16600 99 Cheltenham
Oncampus Vollzeit
Physical Education (Secondary QTS) BA (Hons) University of Chichester 71% 5% 0% £15840 £16344 152 Chichester
Oncampus Vollzeit
History and Sport & Physical Education (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 86% 0% 13% £12500 121 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Psychology and Special Educational Needs (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 76% 5% 8% £12500 117 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Astudiaethau Addysg Gynradd (Dwyieithog) BA (Hons) Cardiff Metropolitan University - 5% 15% £15000 £16000 130 Cardiff
Oncampus Vollzeit
Drama and Special Educational Needs (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 73% 0% 7% £12500 116 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Creative Writing and Special Educational Needs BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 82% 0% 7% £12500 109 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Physical Education and School Sport BSc (Hons) Hartpury University and Hartpury College - 0% 10% £16500 163 Gloucester
Oncampus Vollzeit
Addysg a Gofal Blynyddoedd Cynnar CertHE University of Wales 76% 7% 46% £13500 105 Cardiff
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education Studies BA (Hons) Staffordshire University 82% 0% 10% £16750 144 Stoke-on-Trent
Oncampus Vollzeit
Early Childhood and Special Educational Needs (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 74% 0% 7% £12500 116 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
English Language and Special Educational Needs BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 87% 10% 0% £12500 105 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Primary Education (5-11) with Foundation Year BA (Hons) York St John University 93% 4% 3% £14000 147 York
Oncampus Vollzeit
Educational Psychology (Professional Placement Year) BSc (Hons) Bath Spa University 74% 5% 10% £15750 125 Bath
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Primary Education with Music BA (Hons) University of Reading 58% 0% 5% £22350 148 Reading
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education Studies and Theology, Philosophy & Ethics BA (Hons) Bishop Grosseteste University 92% 1% 10% £12690 133 Lincoln
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education and Film & Visual Culture (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 73% 3% 9% £12500 117 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Sociology and Special Educational Needs BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 84% 0% 7% £12500 113 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Early Childhood Education and Care BA (Hons) University of Brighton - 0% 5% £13842 122 Brighton
Oncampus Vollzeit
Early Years Education and Practice (with Early Years Practitioner status) BA (Hons) University of South Wales 59% 0% 20% £12600 134 Pontypridd
Oncampus Vollzeit
Primary Education (3-11 age range) with QTS BA (Hons) Cardiff Metropolitan University 97% 10% 6% £15000 £16000 154 Cardiff
Oncampus Vollzeit
Primary Education (two-year accelerated degree) BA (Hons) London Metropolitan University 82% 0% 5% £20100 113 London
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education Studies BA (Hons) Birmingham City University 88% 5% 12% £16085 122 Birmingham
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education Studies BSc (Hons) University of Bristol 96% 0% 5% £23900 147 Bristol
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education and Psychology (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 80% 5% 8% £12500 120 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education and English Literature (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 76% 3% 15% £12500 119 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Physical Education with Sport Foundation Year BA (Hons) Southampton Solent University 56% 4% 10% £13020 £14000 123 Southampton
Oncampus Vollzeit
Primary Education with QTS (5-11) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 85% 2% 2% £12500 139 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Philosophy & Ethics and Special Educational Needs (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 82% 0% 7% £12500 113 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education and Spanish BA (Hons) University of Strathclyde 95% 0% 5% £19600 201 Glasgow
Oncampus Vollzeit
Creative Writing and Education (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 84% 3% 5% £12500 112 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Primary Teacher Education (Campus-based) BA (Hons) Oxford Brookes University - 0% 12% £16300 137 Oxford
Oncampus Vollzeit
Media & Communication and Special Educational Needs BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 91% 0% 7% £12500 114 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education Studies - Sociology BA (Hons) Durham University 85% 0% 0% £23800 156 Durham
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education with Psychology and Counselling with Foundation Year BA (Hons) Sheffield Hallam University 80% 10% 5% £15860 £16655 126 Sheffield
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education and Law BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 80% 10% 6% £12500 112 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Psychology and Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusion BA (Hons) Bishop Grosseteste University 87% 5% 28% £12690 106 Lincoln
Oncampus Vollzeit
Drama and Sport & Physical Education (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 74% 0% 13% £12500 126 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Social Care and Special Educational Needs BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 85% 0% 7% £12500 127 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education and English Literature BA (Hons) The University of Winchester 71% 0% 15% £16700 138 Winchester
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education and Musical Theatre (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 80% 3% 9% £12500 117 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Sport Science, Coaching and Physical Education (with placement year) BSc (Hons) Loughborough University of Technology 81% 1% 2% £27250 170 Loughborough
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Computer Science with Education and Qualified Teacher Status BSc (Hons) University of East London - 5% 13% £13920 £14580 126 London
Oncampus Vollzeit
Conservation Biology and Special Educational Needs (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 78% 0% 7% £12500 113 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Physical Education in Secondary Education (11-16 with Enhancement) (with QTS) BEd (Hons) Plymouth Marjon University 73% 0% 8% £14500 147 Plymouth
Oncampus Vollzeit
Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusion BA (Hons) Bishop Grosseteste University 95% 10% 15% £12690 115 Lincoln
Oncampus Vollzeit
Business Management and Sport & Physical Education (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 91% 0% 13% £12500 71 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Educational Psychology BSc (Hons) Bath Spa University - 5% 10% £15750 125 Bath
Oncampus Vollzeit
Psychology and Sport & Physical Education (with Foundation Year) BSc (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 90% 0% 13% £12500 128 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Childhood Studies with Primary Education BA (Hons) Buckinghamshire New University - 0% 15% £15000 100 High Wycombe
Oncampus Vollzeit
Early Years Education and Care: Early Years Practitioner Status BA (Hons) University of Wales 72% 0% 8% £13500 137 Cardiff
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education and Music BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 80% 3% 9% £12500 117 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Astudiaethau Addysg: Cynradd BA (Hons) University of Wales 73% 0% 7% £13500 136 Cardiff
Oncampus Vollzeit
Drama and Special Educational Needs BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 82% 0% 7% £12500 116 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education with Placement BA (Hons) Brunel University - 10% 5% £17665 £19430 111 Uxbridge
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Education (Accelerated) BA (Hons) Bath Spa University 59% 3% 8% £18700 130 Bath
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education Studies BA (Hons) Canterbury Christ Church University - 5% 15% £14500 109 Canterbury
Oncampus Vollzeit
Astudiaethau Chwaraeon ac Addysg Gorfforol Dwyieithog BSc (Hons) Cardiff Metropolitan University - 2% 8% £15000 £16000 148 Cardiff
Oncampus Vollzeit
Psychology with Education Studies BSc (Hons) De Montfort University - 7% 15% £15750 £16250 118 Leicester
Oncampus Vollzeit
Primary Education with QTS (ages 3-7) BEd (Hons) University of Gloucestershire - 2% 5% £15000 £15450 £16600 128 Cheltenham
Oncampus Vollzeit
Childhood & Youth and Sport & Physical Education (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 78% 0% 13% £12500 126 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Early Years Education (Top Up) BA (Hons) Bath Spa University 80% 3% 8% £12500 130 Bath
Oncampus Vollzeit
Primary Education with QTS BEd (Hons) University of Derby 72% 5% 17% £14900 148 Derby
Oncampus Vollzeit
Primary Education with QTS BA (Hons) Birmingham City University 87% 15% 5% £16085 148 Birmingham
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education and Religious Studies BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 80% 5% 10% £12500 122 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education and Mathematics BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 80% 5% 10% £12500 116 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Computer Science and Education (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 82% 15% 9% £12500 125 Liverpool
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education Studies with Mandarin BA (Hons) De Montfort University - 0% 20% £15250 £15750 118 Leicester
Oncampus Vollzeit
Addysg a Gofal Blynyddoedd Cynnar BA (Hons) University of Wales - 0% 7% £13500 136 Cardiff
Oncampus Vollzeit
Primary Education Studies BA (Hons) Cardiff Metropolitan University 95% 5% 5% £15000 £16000 96 Cardiff
Oncampus Vollzeit
Interessiert an einem online Studium?
48 OnlinePädagogische Studien Kurse.
Interessiert an einem Studium nur in London
58 Pädagogische Studien Kurse in London.
  • BA (Hons) Education Studies: Career Destinations
  • What is an Education Studies Degree? (2nd Year Bath Spa Student)
  • Education Studies BA: a student's view | UCL Institute of Education
  • Education BA graduates give their top study tips | Brunel University London

Bewertungen von Studierenden

Allgemeine Zufriedenheit der Studierenden
66 /100
16623 Bewertungen insgesamt

Basiert in erster Linie auf Daten von Studierenden im Grundstudium

Die NSS wird vom Büro für Studierende in Auftrag gegeben.


Hauptsächlich basierend auf den Gehaltsdaten von Studenten im Grundstudium

Gehalt aller Absolventen in Großbritannien von Pädagogische Studien (hauptsächlich Studenten im Grundstudium)

  15 Monate nach dem Studium 3 Jahre nach dem Studium 5 Jahre nach dem Studium
Durchschnittliches Gehalt £22826 £18756 £21568
25-75 Perzentilbereich £17532 - £26940 £13509 - £23889 £14787 - £27880

Gehalt aller britischen Absolventen aller Fächer

  15 Monate nach dem Studium 3 Jahre nach dem Studium 5 Jahre nach dem Studium
Durchschnittliches Gehalt £22235 £18733 £21794
25-75 Perzentilbereich £18307 - £25790 £14012 - £23285 £15888 - £27235

Jobs & Karriereperspektiven

Berufliche Perspektiven für Pädagogische Studien

15 Monate nach Abschluss des Studiums wurden die Absolventen dieses Studienfachs zu ihrer Tätigkeit und zu ihrer derzeitigen Arbeitsstelle sowie zu ihren Perspektiven befragt.

Aktuelle Stellenangebote

Unter den Absolventen von Pädagogische Studien, die angaben, berufstätig zu sein, stellt der untenstehende Prozentsatz die Anzahl der Absolventen dar, die den Aussagen über ihren Arbeitsplatz "zustimmen" oder "stark zustimmen".

Typische Arbeitgeber für Absolventen von Pädagogische Studien

  • Akademien
  • Schulen
  • Hochschulen
  • Zentrale Regierungsstellen
  • Gemeinschafts- und Freiwilligenorganisationen
  • Museen
  • Polizei und Bewährungshilfe
  • Soziale Dienste
  • Universitäten

Spezialisierungen innerhalb Pädagogische Studien

  • Elementarbildung
  • Sekundarschulbildung
  • Erwachsenenbildung und - ausbildung
  • Lehrpläne und Unterricht für Pädagogen
  • Unterrichtsgestaltung und - technologie
  • Leitung von Bildungsorganisationen

Arbeitsplätze von Absolventen von Pädagogische Studien (15 Monate nach Abschluss)

Das folgende Beispiel basiert auf allen Absolventen von Pädagogische Studien. Anglia Ruskin University

65% Verkaufsberufe
9% Berufe im Bereich Schutzdienst
4% Angehörige der Gesundheitsberufe
4% Fachleute für Soziales
4% Verwaltungsberufe
4% Pflegende persönliche Dienstleistungen
2% Handwerkliche Berufe
2% Lehr- und Betreuungsberufe für Kinder
2% Fachkräfte im Bereich Wohlfahrt und Wohnen
2% Elementare Berufe

Zulassungsvoraussetzungen / Zulassungen

UCAS-Tarif für angenommene Studenten für Pädagogische Studien

Lass dich beraten, welche Grundkurse für dich am besten geeignet sind, um trotzdem zu studieren Pädagogische Studien. Wenn du die Mindestanforderungen in Bezug auf UCAS-Punkte, A-Levels oder Englischkenntnisse nicht erfüllst.


Erziehungswissenschaft ist das Studium des Lehrens und Lernens, die Gestaltung des Lehrplans und die Untersuchung des Lernprozesses mit dem Ziel, die Lernfähigkeit und -effizienz zu verbessern.

Das Durchschnittsgehalt der Absolventen von Pädagogische Studien betrug
15 Monate nach dem Abschluss £22826,
3 Jahre nach dem Abschluss £18756 und
5 Jahre nach dem Abschluss £.

  • Die folgenden Abschlüsse werden für Pädagogische Studien angeboten:
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) - BSc (Hons)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - BA (Hons)
  • Diploma of Higher Education - DipHE
  • Bachelor of Education (Honours) - BEd (Hons)
  • Certificate of Higher Education - CertHE