South Gloucestershire and Stroud College
Liste aller Kurse und Abschlüsse, die von South Gloucestershire and Stroud College angeboten werden
- Bachelor / Undergraduate & Master / Postgraduate Studiengänge -

25 Bachelor / Undergraduate Kurse von South Gloucestershire and Stroud College - Katalog

Sports Management

Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Sports Management FdA 90% - 20% £11750 £13250 -
Oncampus Vollzeit


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Applied Sports Conditioning and Exercise FdSc 81% - 25% £11750 £13250 £13250 -
Oncampus Vollzeit
Applied Sports Coaching and Physical Education FdSc 81% - 25% £11750 £13250 £13250 -
Oncampus Vollzeit
Applied Sports Coaching - Fast-track BSc (Hons) - - 20% £11750 -
Oncampus Vollzeit


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Zoological Management and Conservation (Top-up) BSc (Hons) - - - £11750 £13250 £13250 -
Oncampus Vollzeit


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Computer Games Design and Development FdSc 91% - 40% £11750 £13250 £13250 -
Oncampus Vollzeit


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Art History (Bristol School of Art) BA (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Design and Materials (Bristol School of Art) FdA 91% - 5% - -
Oncampus Vollzeit
Design and Materials - Level 6 Top-up BA (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit

Prothetik und Orthetik

Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Prosthetics, Modelmaking and Digital Design FdA - - - £11750 £13250 -
Oncampus Vollzeit


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Media Production FdA 91% - 0% £11750 £13250 £13250 -
Oncampus Vollzeit
Media Production - Level 6 Top-up BA (Hons) - - - £11750 £13250 £13250 -
Oncampus Vollzeit

Fine Art

Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Fine Art (Bristol School of Art) FdA 86% - 30% £11750 £13250 £13250 -
Oncampus Vollzeit
Fine Art and Contemporary Arts Practice (Top-up) (Bristol School of Art) BA (Hons) - - - £13250 -
Oncampus Vollzeit
Fine Art FdA - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Game Art FdA 86% - 20% £11750 £13250 £13250 -
Oncampus Vollzeit
Game Art and Production Top-up BA (Hons) - - - £11750 £13250 £13250 -
Oncampus Vollzeit


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Musical Theatre (BIPA) BA (Hons) - - 5% £11750 £13250 £13250 -
Oncampus Vollzeit


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Acting and Touring Theatre (BIPA) BA (Hons) - - 5% £11750 -
Oncampus Vollzeit

Haare und Make-up

Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Specialist Make-up Design Top-up BA (Hons) - - - £11750 £13250 -
Oncampus Vollzeit
Specialist Make-up Design FdA - - - £11750 £13250 £13250 -
Oncampus Vollzeit

Technisches Bühnenmanagement

Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Live Events Production FdA - - - £11750 -
Oncampus Vollzeit

Pädagogische Studien

Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Education and Learning FdA 90% - 30% £13250 -
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education and Learning - Level 6 Top-up BA (Hons) - - - £11750 £13250 -
Oncampus Vollzeit


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Early Childhood Studies FdA 86% - 30% £11750 £13250 -
Oncampus Vollzeit