University of Keele
Liste aller Kurse und Abschlüsse, die von University of Keele angeboten werden
- Bachelor / Undergraduate & Master / Postgraduate Studiengänge -

201 Bachelor / Undergraduate Kurse von University of Keele - Katalog


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Economics and Finance BSc (Hons) - 0% 0% - 97
Oncampus Vollzeit
Economics and Finance with Foundation Year BA (Hons) - 0% 10% - 104
Oncampus Vollzeit


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Business Management and Marketing with Foundation Year BA (Hons) 58% 0% 0% - 113
Oncampus Vollzeit
Business Management and Marketing BA (Hons) 58% 0% 0% - 113
Oncampus Vollzeit
Marketing and Media BA (Hons) 84% 0% 0% - 112
Oncampus Vollzeit
International Business Management and Marketing BA (Hons) - 0% 5% - 110
Oncampus Vollzeit

Wirtschaft und Management


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Accounting and Finance with Foundation Year BA (Hons) 50% 5% 5% - 52
Oncampus Vollzeit
Accounting and Finance BSc (Hons) - 0% 5% - 119
Oncampus Vollzeit

Management der Humanressourcen

Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Business Management and Human Resources BA (Hons) 51% 0% 5% - 122
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Ecology and Conservation with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) 35% 1% 4% - 124
Oncampus Vollzeit
Ecology and Conservation BSc (Hons) 80% 1% 4% - 124
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich

Sport und Bewegungswissenschaften

Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Rehabilitation and Exercise Science BSc (Hons) 76% 10% 0% - 131
Oncampus Vollzeit
Rehabilitation and Exercise Science with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) 76% 10% 0% - 75
Oncampus Vollzeit


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Biochemistry with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) - 0% 10% - 78
Oncampus Vollzeit
Biochemistry BSc (Hons) 83% 0% 0% - 130
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Biochemistry and Human Biology BSc (Hons) 92% 0% 10% - 131
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Biochemistry and Chemistry BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Biochemistry and Medicinal Chemistry BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Biochemistry and Biology BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit

Biologie des Menschen

Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Human Biology with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) - 1% 10% - 131
Oncampus Vollzeit
Human Biology and Psychology BSc (Hons) 67% 4% 5% - 138
Oncampus Vollzeit
Forensic Science and Human Biology BSc (Hons) 93% 5% 15% - 161
Oncampus Vollzeit
Data Science and Human Biology BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit
Human Biology and Mathematics BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Computer Science BSc (Hons) 67% 5% 15% - 112
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Computer Science and Mathematics BSc (Hons) 72% 10% 0% - 116
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Computer Science (Software Engineering) BSc (Hons) - 5% 9% - 110
Oncampus Vollzeit
Computer Science (Cyber Security) BSc (Hons) 80% 5% 9% - 112
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Astrophysics and Computer Science BSc (Hons) - 0% 5% - 119
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Computer Science (Games) BSc (Hons) 76% 4% 4% - 118
Oncampus Vollzeit
Computer Science and Physics BSc (Hons) 67% 10% 5% - 118
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Biology and Computer Science BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Computer Science and Forensic Science BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Computer Science (Web and App Development) BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Data Science with Applied Business Informatics BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich

Angewandte Datenverarbeitung

Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Data Science with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) 67% 5% 9% - 112
Oncampus Vollzeit
Data Science BSc (Hons) 72% 5% 9% - 112
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Biology and Data Science BSc (Hons) - 0% 0% - 116
Oncampus Vollzeit
Business Management and Data Science BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Data Science and Physics BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich

Künstliche Intelligenz

Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) BSc (Hons) 67% 5% 9% - 111
Oncampus Vollzeit


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Philosophy BA (Hons) - 5% 0% - 116
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Mathematics and Philosophy BSc (Hons) 80% 10% 5% - 115
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Philosophy and Psychology BSc (Hons) - 4% 15% - 125
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Philosophy with Foundation Year BA (Hons) - 5% 5% - 109
Oncampus Vollzeit
Philosophy and Politics BA (Hons) - 5% 0% - 107
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Education and Philosophy BA (Hons) - 5% 5% - 125
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich

Freie Künste

Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Liberal Arts with Foundation Year BA (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit
Liberal Arts BA (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Geology (Applied Geophysics) BSc (Hons) 83% 5% 5% - 111
Oncampus Vollzeit
Geology (Volcanology) BSc (Hons) 81% 5% 5% - 111
Oncampus Vollzeit
Geology and Physical Geography with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) - 5% 0% - 122
Oncampus Vollzeit
Geology BSc (Hons) 91% 10% 0% - 117
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Geology and Physical Geography BSc (Hons) 91% 5% 0% - 129
Oncampus Vollzeit
Geology (Geoforensics) BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Medicinal Chemistry and Geology BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Astrophysics and Geology BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Geography with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) 83% 0% 10% - 119
Oncampus Vollzeit
Geography BSc (Hons) - 0% 15% - 110
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Geography with Foundation Year BA (Hons) - 0% 10% - 119
Oncampus Vollzeit
Biology and Geography BSc (Hons) 58% 0% 2% - 121
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Geography BA (Hons) - 0% 15% - 117
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Geography and Sociology BA (Hons) 83% 5% 9% - 119
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Business Management and Geography BA (Hons) 89% 0% 10% - 119
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Geography and Politics BA (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Geography and History BA (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Geography and Mathematics BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Environmental Science BSc (Hons) 100% 0% 5% - 117
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Environmental Science with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) - 0% 5% - 104
Oncampus Vollzeit
Chemistry and Environmental Science BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Environmental Science and Geography BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit
Environmental Science and Physics BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Biology and Environmental Science BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Environmental Science and Medicinal Chemistry BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Geology (Environmental Geoscience) BSc (Hons) 75% 5% 5% - 111
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Environment and Sustainability BA/BSc (Hons) - 0% 0% - 104
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Environment and Sustainability with Foundation Year BA/BSc (Hons) 76% 0% 5% - 104
Oncampus Vollzeit

Tissue Engineering und Regenerative Medizin

Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Bioengineering (Regenerative Medicine) with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit
Bioengineering (Regenerative Medicine) BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit

Film Studies

Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
English Literature and Film Studies BA (Hons) 76% 5% 0% - 115
Oncampus Vollzeit
Film Studies and Music Production BA (Hons) 73% 5% 10% - 91
Oncampus Vollzeit
Film Studies and Media BA (Hons) 73% 0% 5% - 116
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Film Studies BA (Hons) - 0% 5% - 116
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Film Studies with Foundation Year BA (Hons) - 0% 5% - 116
Oncampus Vollzeit


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Music Production and Psychology BSc (Hons) 86% 4% 4% - 107
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Computer Science and Music Production BSc (Hons) 72% 5% 9% - 102
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Music Production and Sound Design BA (Hons) - 5% 10% - 91
Oncampus Vollzeit
Business Management and Music Production BA (Hons) 67% 0% 5% - 102
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Media and Music Production BA (Hons) 62% 0% 5% - 103
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Music Production and Sound Design with a Foundation Year BA (Hons) - 5% 10% - 91
Oncampus Vollzeit
Music Production with a Foundation Year BA (Hons) 74% 5% 10% - 91
Oncampus Vollzeit

Angewandte Mathematik

Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Mathematics (Applied Mathematics) BSc (Hons) 80% 10% 5% - 120
Oncampus Vollzeit


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Mathematics (with Statistics) BSc (Hons) 80% 10% 5% - 120
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich

Reine Mathematik

Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Mathematics (Pure Mathematics) BSc (Hons) 80% 10% 5% - 120
Oncampus Vollzeit


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Astrophysics and Chemistry BSc (Hons) 94% 0% 5% - 117
Oncampus Vollzeit
Astrophysics and Mathematics BSc (Hons) - 0% 5% - 123
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Physics with Astrophysics BSc (Hons) 82% 10% 10% - 112
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Physics with Astrophysics with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) 76% 10% 10% - 83
Oncampus Vollzeit
Astrophysics with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) 55% 0% 5% - 126
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education and Astrophysics BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit
Astrophysics and Medicinal Chemistry BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit
Astrophysics and Data Science BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit

Pharmazeutische Chemie

Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Pharmaceutical Science BSc (Hons) - 2% 5% - 134
Oncampus Vollzeit
Pharmaceutical Science with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) - 2% 5% - 134
Oncampus Vollzeit

Forensische Wissenschaft

Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Chemistry and Forensic Science BSc (Hons) 67% 5% 10% - 129
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Forensic Science with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) 76% 5% 0% - 103
Oncampus Vollzeit
Forensic Science BSc (Hons) 82% 5% 5% - 141
Oncampus Vollzeit
Forensic Science and Criminology with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) - 5% 4% - 126
Oncampus Vollzeit
Biology and Forensic Science BSc (Hons) 83% 0% 2% - 128
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Forensic Science and Criminology BSc (Hons) 74% 5% 10% - 146
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Medicinal Chemistry and Forensic Science BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Forensic Science and Psychology BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit

Medizinische Chemie

Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry BSc (Hons) 67% 5% 10% - 108
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Medicinal Chemistry with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit
Medicinal Chemistry and Mathematics BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit
Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry with Industrial Placement Year BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich

Pädagogische Studien

Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Education with Foundation Year BA (Hons) 76% 5% 15% - 142
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education and History BA (Hons) - 5% 5% - 132
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Education and Mathematics BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Psychology BSc (Hons) - 3% 3% - 126
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Psychology and Education with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) 76% 4% 4% - 132
Oncampus Vollzeit
Psychology and Sociology BSc (Hons) - 4% 4% - 121
Oncampus Vollzeit
Psychology with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) - 0% 0% - 62
Oncampus Vollzeit
History and Psychology BSc (Hons) 76% 4% 4% - 123
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Psychology with Placement Year BSc (Hons) - 4% 4% - 123
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Psychology and Education BSc (Hons) - 4% 0% - 144
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Mathematics and Psychology BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Business Management and Psychology BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Biology and Psychology BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Law with Professional Legal Practice LLB (Hons) 53% 7% 5% - 112
Oncampus Vollzeit
Law with Foundation Year LLB (Hons) 80% 7% 0% - 49
Oncampus Vollzeit
Law (Graduate Entry) LLB (Hons) 80% 7% 5% - 112
Oncampus Vollzeit
Law with Politics with Foundation Year LLB (Hons) 81% 5% 4% - 113
Oncampus Vollzeit
Law with Professional Legal Practice with Foundation Year LLB (Hons) - 7% 5% - 112
Oncampus Vollzeit
Law LLB (Hons) 81% 8% 6% - 121
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Law with Politics LLB (Hons) 86% 5% 5% - 111
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Law with Business LLB (Hons) 79% 7% 0% - 117
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Law with Business with Foundation Year LLB (Hons) 79% 7% 5% - 112
Oncampus Vollzeit


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Politics BA (Hons) - 5% 0% - 138
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
History and Politics BA (Hons) 76% 10% 0% - 108
Oncampus Vollzeit
Politics with Foundation Year BA (Hons) - 5% 4% - 115
Oncampus Vollzeit
Social and Political Sciences with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) 78% 5% 4% - 115
Oncampus Vollzeit
Social and Political Sciences BSc (Hons) 91% 5% 4% - 115
Oncampus Vollzeit

Internationale Beziehungen

Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
History and International Relations BA (Hons) 83% 5% 10% - 133
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
International Relations and Politics BA (Hons) 76% 0% 0% - 122
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
International Relations with Foundation Year BA (Hons) 79% 5% 4% - 115
Oncampus Vollzeit
International Relations BA (Hons) 79% 0% 0% - 115
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Law with Criminology LLB (Hons) 79% 0% 5% - 131
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Criminology with Foundation Year BA (Hons) 67% 5% 0% - 120
Oncampus Vollzeit
Criminology BA (Hons) 61% 10% 10% - 110
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Criminology and History BA (Hons) 73% 5% 0% - 127
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Law with Criminology with Foundation Year LLB (Hons) 75% 5% 9% - 116
Oncampus Vollzeit
Psychology and Criminology BSc (Hons) - 4% 5% - 129
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Criminology and Sociology BA (Hons) 61% 0% 5% - 118
Oncampus Vollzeit


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Education and Sociology BA (Hons) 76% 5% 9% - 131
Oncampus Vollzeit
Sociology with Foundation Year BA (Hons) 75% 5% 9% - 120
Oncampus Vollzeit
Media and Sociology BA (Hons) - 5% 9% - 118
Oncampus Vollzeit
Sociology BA (Hons) 75% 0% 20% - 126
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Social Work with Foundation Year BA (Hons) - 0% 10% - 110
Oncampus Vollzeit
Social Work BA (Hons) 71% 0% 5% - 139
Oncampus Vollzeit


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Economics (Single Honours) with Foundation Year BA (Hons) 90% 0% 10% - 105
Oncampus Vollzeit
Economics BSc (Hons) - 0% 10% - 112
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Economics and Mathematics BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich

Internationale Politik

Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
International Governance and Policy with Foundation Year BA (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit

Kreatives Schreiben

Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
English Literature and Creative Writing BA (Hons) 67% 0% 0% - 126
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Film Studies and Creative Writing BA (Hons) 93% 0% 0% - 117
Oncampus Vollzeit
Film Studies and Creative Writing with Foundation Year BA (Hons) 93% 0% 0% - 117
Oncampus Vollzeit
English Literature and Creative Writing with Foundation Year BA (Hons) 67% 5% 0% - 117
Oncampus Vollzeit

Englische Literatur

Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
English Literature and History BA (Hons) 76% 5% 0% - 118
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
English Literature and Psychology BSc (Hons) 76% 4% 4% - 118
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
English Literature BA (Hons) - 0% 0% - 112
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
English Literature and Philosophy BA (Hons) 76% 5% 0% - 111
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
English Literature with Foundation Year BA (Hons) 76% 5% 0% - 114
Oncampus Vollzeit
Education and English Literature BA (Hons) - 5% 0% - 128
Oncampus Vollzeit


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Forensic Science and Neuroscience BSc (Hons) 80% 3% 3% - 138
Oncampus Vollzeit
Neuroscience BSc (Hons) - 0% 5% - 133
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Biochemistry and Neuroscience BSc (Hons) 92% 3% 0% - 129
Oncampus Vollzeit
Computer Science and Neuroscience BSc (Hons) 72% 3% 3% - 115
Oncampus Vollzeit
Neuroscience with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) - 5% 5% - 85
Oncampus Vollzeit
Data Science and Neuroscience BSc (Hons) 72% 3% 3% - 115
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Neuroscience and Psychology BSc (Hons) - 0% 10% - 154
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Medicinal Chemistry and Neuroscience BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Chemistry and Neuroscience BSc (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Psychology with Counselling with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) 83% 4% 0% - 70
Oncampus Vollzeit
Psychology with Counselling BSc (Hons) 83% 4% 5% - 137
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Midwifery with Foundation Year BMid (Hons) - 0% 5% - 168
Oncampus Vollzeit
Midwifery BSc (Hons) 78% 0% 5% - 168
Oncampus Vollzeit

Krankenpflege im Bereich psychische Gesundheit

Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Nursing (Mental Health) BSc (Hons) - 0% 5% - 142
Oncampus Vollzeit
Nursing (Mental Health) with Foundation Year BN (Hons) - 0% 5% - 127
Oncampus Vollzeit

Diagnostische Bildgebung

Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Radiography (Diagnostic Imaging) with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) 76% 0% 0% - 157
Oncampus Vollzeit
Radiography (Diagnostic Imaging) BSc (Hons) 76% 0% 10% - 147
Oncampus Vollzeit

Biomedizinische Wissenschaften

Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Biomedical Science BSc (Hons) - 2% 2% - 132
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich
Biomedical Science with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) 100% 5% 5% - 88
Oncampus Vollzeit

20 Master- / Postgraduiertenkurse von University of Keele - Katalog

Wirtschaft und Management

Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Business Management with Integrated Masters MSci (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Biochemistry with Integrated Masters MSc 83% 0% 5% - 121
Oncampus Vollzeit


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Ecology and Conservation with Integrated Masters Msci (Hons) 60% 1% 4% - 124
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Computer Science with Integrated Masters MComp (Hons) 72% 5% 0% - 136
Oncampus Vollzeit
Computer Science with Foundation Year MComp (Hons) 72% 5% 15% - 72
Oncampus Vollzeit
Data Science with Applied Business Informatics with Foundation Year Msci (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit

Freie Künste

Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Liberal Arts with Integrated Masters MLibArts - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Geology with Foundation Year MGeol 90% 5% 5% - 111
Oncampus Vollzeit
Geology with Integrated Masters MGeol (Hons) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich

Medizinische Chemie

Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry with Foundation Year MChem 76% 5% 0% - 115
Oncampus Vollzeit
Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry with Integrated Masters MChem 72% 5% 10% - 108
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich

Forensische Wissenschaft

Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Forensic Science with Integrated Masters Msci (Hons) 67% 5% 10% - 108
Oncampus Vollzeit
Forensic Science with Integrated Masters with Foundation Year MSc - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
International, Commercial and Business Law LLM - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Social Work MA (PG) - - - - -
Oncampus Vollzeit


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Physiotherapy with Foundation Year Msci (Hons) - 5% 0% - 133
Oncampus Vollzeit
Physiotherapy with Integrated Master's Msci (Hons) - 5% 2% - 145
Oncampus Vollzeit Sandwich


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Pharmacy MPharm (Hons) 81% 0% 4% - 140
Oncampus Vollzeit
Pharmacy with Foundation Year MPharm (Hons) - 0% 5% - 107
Oncampus Vollzeit


Programm Zufrieden­heit Arbeits­los Ab­brecher­quote Studien­gebühren (Inter­national) UCAS Tariff
Paramedic Science with Integrated Master's MSc - 10% 0% - 138
Oncampus Vollzeit


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