University of Dundee
Lijst van alle cursussen en graden aangeboden door University of Dundee
- Bachelor / Undergraduate & Master / Postgraduate programma's -.

260 Master / Postgraduate cursussen van University of Dundee - Catalogus


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Structural Engineering with Architecture MEng (Hons) 67% 0% 5% £23100 £24300 177
On campus Voltijd
Architecture MArch Studies 88% - 4% £20900 £21900 185
On campus Voltijd
Architecture RIBA Part 2 MArch (Hons) MArch (Hons) - - - £20900 -
On campus Voltijd
Architecture with Urban Planning RIBA Part 2 MArch (Hons) MArch (Hons) - - - £20900 -
On campus Voltijd
Architecture PhD (4 years) PhD - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Architecture PhD PhD - - - - -
On campus Voltijd

Stedelijke en regionale planning

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Urban Planning MA (Hons) 88% - 4% £20900 £21900 173
On campus Voltijd
Urban Planning PhD (3 years) PhD - - - - -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Business Economics with Marketing MA (Hons) 75% 10% 0% £20900 £21900 174
On campus Voltijd
Business Economics with Marketing and History MA (Hons) 91% 10% 0% £20900 £21900 172
On campus Voltijd
Business Economics with Marketing and Politics MA (Hons) 88% 10% 0% £20900 £21900 174
On campus Voltijd
Business Economics with Marketing and Psychology MA (Hons) 69% 2% 6% £20900 £21900 173
On campus Voltijd
International Business with Marketing MA (Hons) 77% 5% 7% £20900 £21900 175
On campus Voltijd
Business Economics with Marketing with Spanish MA (Hons) - 10% 0% £20900 £21900 174
On campus Voltijd
Business Economics with Marketing with French MA (Hons) 88% 10% 0% £20900 £21900 174
On campus Voltijd
Business Economics with Marketing and Geography MA (Hons) 72% 10% 0% £20900 £21900 179
On campus Voltijd
International Marketing and Finance MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Biomedical and Molecular Sciences with Marketing MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Digital and Social Media Marketing MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
International Marketing and Management MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
International Marketing and Branding MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
International Business and Marketing MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Industrial Engineering and Digital Marketing MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
International Business, Marketing and Human Resource Management MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Management & Marketing PhD PhD - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
International Marketing (MSc) MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Management and Marketing MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd

Internationale Zaken

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
International Business and International Relations MA (Hons) 77% 5% 6% £20900 £21900 172
On campus Voltijd
International Business and Environmental Sustainability MA (Hons) 77% 5% 7% £20900 £21900 170
On campus Voltijd
International Business with Spanish MA (Hons) 83% 5% 7% £20900 £21900 170
On campus Voltijd
International Business with French MA (Hons) - 5% 7% £20900 £21900 170
On campus Voltijd
International Business MA (Hons) 75% 5% 7% £20900 £21900 170
On campus Voltijd
International Business and Investment MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Advanced Computer Science with International Business MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
International Business and Finance MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Entrepreneurship, Innovation and International Business MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Information Technology and International Business MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
International Business, Accounting and Finance MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
International Business MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Islamic Banking, Finance and International Business MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
International Business and Strategy MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Professional Accountancy (MSc) MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Accountancy & Finance PhD PhD - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Accountancy MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
International Accounting MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Accounting, Management and Strategy MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Accounting and Finance MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Accounting and Finance PhD PhD - - - - -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Management, Strategy and Leadership MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
International Finance and Investment Management MFin - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
International Energy Studies and Energy Finance (MSc) MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Finance (MSc) MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Management and Finance MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
International Finance (MFin) MFin - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Finance and Banking (MSc) MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Islamic Finance MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Islamic Finance PhD 4 Years PhD - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
International Finance, Risk and Regulation MFin - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Industrial Engineering and International Finance MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
International Banking and Finance MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Islamic Finance PhD 3 Years PhD - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Finance and Risk Analysis (MSc) MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
International Energy Commerce and Finance MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Finance and Investment (MSc) MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Islamic Banking and Finance MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
International Banking, Finance, Risk and Regulation MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd

Business & Management


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
International Banking MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd

Biologische Wetenschappen

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Life Sciences MSc (Res) PhD - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Foundation Year in Life Sciences CertHE - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Life Sciences PhD PhD - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Life Sciences PhD (4 Year) PhD - - - - -
On campus Voltijd

Reproductieve Biologie

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Human Clinical Embryology and Assisted Conception MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
English and Film Studies MA (Hons) 56% 5% 7% £20900 £21900 173
On campus Voltijd
Philosophy and Film MA (Hons) - 5% 5% £20900 £21900 180
On campus Voltijd

Toegepaste informatica

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Data Science and Engineering MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Computer Science (MSc) MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Health Data Science for Applied Precision Medicine MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
European Philosophy with Spanish MA (Hons) - 5% 5% £20900 £21900 180
On campus Voltijd
European Philosophy MA (Hons) 63% 5% 5% £20900 £21900 180
On campus Voltijd
Philosophy and Psychology MA (Hons) 83% 2% 15% £20900 £21900 175
On campus Voltijd
European Philosophy with French MA (Hons) - 5% 5% £20900 £21900 180
On campus Voltijd
Philosophy and International Relations MA (Hons) 63% 5% 6% £20900 £21900 177
On campus Voltijd
Philosophy with Spanish MA (Hons) 63% 5% 5% £20900 £21900 180
On campus Voltijd
Philosophy MA (Hons) 63% 5% 0% £20900 £21900 180
On campus Voltijd
English and Philosophy MA (Hons) 56% 5% 7% £20900 £21900 177
On campus Voltijd
History and Philosophy MA (Hons) 100% 0% 5% £20900 £21900 173
On campus Voltijd
Philosophy and Politics MA (Hons) - 5% 5% £20900 £21900 180
On campus Voltijd
Philosophy with French MA (Hons) 63% 5% 5% £20900 £21900 180
On campus Voltijd
Philosophy and Literature (MLitt) MLitt - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Philosophy (MLitt) MLitt - - - - -
On campus Voltijd

Schotse Geschiedenis

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Scottish Historical Studies with Spanish MA (Hons) 63% 0% 5% £20900 £21900 166
On campus Voltijd
Scottish Historical Studies MA (Hons) - 0% 5% £20900 £21900 166
On campus Voltijd
Scottish Historical Studies with French MA (Hons) - 0% 5% £20900 £21900 166
On campus Voltijd

Liberale Kunsten

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Liberal Arts MA (Hons) - - 5% £20900 £21900 162
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd

Onderneming en ondernemerschap

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Management MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Industrial Engineering and Entrepreneurship MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Art and Humanities (MFA) MFA (PG) - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Humanities (Associate Articulation Route with Dundee and Angus College) MA (Hons) - - - - -
On campus Voltijd

Geestelijke Gezondheids Verpleging

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Child Nursing and Mental Health Nursing MSc 75% 5% 7% £20900 £21900 170
On campus Voltijd
Mental Health Nursing MSc (PG) - 10% 4% £20900 £21900 158
On campus Voltijd

Volwassenen Verpleging

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Adult Nursing MSc (PG) 67% 0% 0% £20900 £21900 129
On campus Voltijd

Biomedische Wetenschappen

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Biomedical and Molecular Sciences (MSc) MSc - - - £24800 -
On campus Voltijd
Biomedical and Molecular Sciences with Business (MSc) MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Biomedical and Molecular Sciences with Entrepreneurship (MSc) MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Forensic Dentistry (MSc) MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Dentistry (non-clinical) PhD - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Dentistry (with clinical component) 5 Year PhD - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Dentistry (non-clinical) MDSc (Res) - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Dentistry (with clinical component) 4 Year PhD - - - - -
On campus Voltijd

Milieu en volksgezondheid

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Master of Dental Public Health (MDPH) MDPH - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Public Health MPH MPH - - - - -
On campus Voltijd



Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Nursing & Health Sciences PhD (3 years) PhD - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Nursing & Health Sciences MPhil (Res) MPhil (Res) - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Nursing & Health Sciences PhD (4 years) PhD - - - - -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Applied Neuroscience (MSc) MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd

Palliatieve Zorg Verpleging

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Public Health (Palliative Care Research) MPH MPH - - - - -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Orthopaedic Science (MSc) MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Technology (MSc) MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Orthopaedic Surgery (MCh Orth) MChOrth - - - - -
On campus Voltijd

Diagnostische beeldvorming

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Medical Imaging (MSc) MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Geography MA (Hons) 83% 0% 0% £20900 £21900 185
On campus Voltijd
Geography and History MA (Hons) - 0% 5% £20900 £21900 177
On campus Voltijd
Geography with Spanish MA (Hons) 93% 5% 0% £20900 £21900 189
On campus Voltijd
Geography and Politics MA (Hons) 60% 5% 6% £20900 £21900 181
On campus Voltijd
Geography and Psychology MA (Hons) - 2% 6% £20900 £21900 179
On campus Voltijd
Geography and Economics MA (Hons) 87% 10% 0% £20900 £21900 179
On campus Voltijd
Geography and Planning MA (Hons) 76% 5% 0% £20900 £21900 189
On campus Voltijd
Geography with French MA (Hons) 87% 5% 0% £20900 £21900 189
On campus Voltijd
Geography MSc (Research) MSc (Res) - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Geography PhD (4 years) PhD - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Geography PhD (3 years) PhD - - - - -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Environmental Sustainability and Geography MA (Hons) 72% 5% 0% £20900 £21900 166
On campus Voltijd
Environmental Sustainability MA (Hons) 72% 5% 0% £20900 £21900 189
On campus Voltijd
Environmental Science and Geography MA (Hons) 72% 5% 0% £20900 £21900 174
On campus Voltijd
Environmental Science MSc (Research) MSc (Res) - - - - -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Sustainability: Climate Change and Transitions to Net-Zero Economies MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Civil and Structural Engineering MEng (Hons) 72% 0% 15% £23100 £24300 181
On campus Voltijd
Structural Engineering and Concrete Materials MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd

Civiele Techniek

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Civil Engineering MSc MSc - - - £25300 -
On campus Voltijd
Civil Engineering PhD PhD - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Civil Engineering MSc (Res) MSc (Res) - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Civil Engineering MPhil (Res) MPhil - - - - -
On campus Voltijd

Biomedische Technologie

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Biomedical Engineering PhD (3 Years) PhD - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Biomedical Engineering PhD (4 Years) PhD - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Biomedical Engineering MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Sports Biomechanics and Rehabilitation MRes MRes - - - - -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Mechanical Engineering PhD PhD - - - - -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Comics and Graphic Novels MDes MDes - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Comics and Graphic Novels MLitt MLitt - - - - -
On campus Voltijd

Beeldende Kunst

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Art & Design MFA (Res) (full time) MFA (Res) - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Art & Design PhD (3 years) PhD - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Art & Design MDes(Res) (full time) MDes (Res) - - - - -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Animation and VFX (MSc) MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd

Product Ontwerp

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Product Design (MSc) MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
History and Psychology MA (Hons) - 2% 6% £20900 £21900 168
On campus Voltijd
Psychology with Spanish MA (Hons) 67% 2% 6% £20900 £21900 170
On campus Voltijd
Psychology MA (Hons) 67% 5% 10% £20900 £21900 183
On campus Voltijd
Psychology with French MA (Hons) 67% 2% 6% £20900 £21900 170
On campus Voltijd
English and Psychology MA (Hons) 62% 2% 6% £20900 £21900 171
On campus Voltijd
Psychology PhD (3 years) PhD - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Psychological Research Methods MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Psychology (Conversion) MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Developmental Psychology MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Psychology of Language MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd



Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
International Commercial Law (Dual Qualifying) LLM LLM - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
International Commercial Law LLM LLM - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Corporate and Commercial Law LLM LLM - - - - -
On campus Voltijd

Juridische praktijk

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Professional Legal Practice (PGDip) PgDip - - - - -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
International Energy Dispute Resolution and Avoidance LLM - - - - -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Economics with Spanish MA (Hons) 88% 10% 0% £20900 £21900 170
On campus Voltijd
Economics MA (Hons) 77% 10% 0% £20900 £21900 170
On campus Voltijd
Financial Economics with Spanish MA (Hons) 76% 10% 0% £20900 £21900 170
On campus Voltijd
Economics and History MA (Hons) 87% 10% 0% £20900 £21900 168
On campus Voltijd
Financial Economics with French MA (Hons) 77% 10% 0% £20900 £21900 170
On campus Voltijd
Financial Economics MA (Hons) 69% 10% 0% £20900 £21900 170
On campus Voltijd
Economics with French MA (Hons) 59% 10% 0% £20900 £21900 170
On campus Voltijd
Economics and International Relations MA (Hons) 72% 10% 0% £20900 £21900 172
On campus Voltijd
Economics and Politics MA (Hons) 76% 10% 0% £20900 £21900 196
On campus Voltijd
Secondary Education (Home Economics) PGDE PGDE - - - £20900 -
On campus Voltijd
Economics PhD PhD - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
International Energy Studies and Oil and Gas Economics (MSc) MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
International Energy Studies and Energy Economics (MSc) MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Economics PhD PhD - - - - -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
English and Politics MA (Hons) 67% 5% 6% £20900 £21900 173
On campus Voltijd
History and Politics MA (Hons) - 0% 10% £20900 £21900 162
On campus Voltijd
Geopolitics MA (Hons) 87% 5% 6% £20900 £21900 173
On campus Voltijd
Politics with Spanish MA (Hons) 77% 5% 6% £20900 £21900 173
On campus Voltijd
Politics with French MA (Hons) 92% 5% 6% £20900 £21900 173
On campus Voltijd
Politics MA (Hons) 87% 10% 10% £20900 £21900 174
On campus Voltijd
Politics and Psychology MA (Hons) 68% 2% 6% £20900 £21900 171
On campus Voltijd
European Politics with Spanish MA (Hons) - - - £20900 -
On campus Voltijd
European Politics with French MA (Hons) - - - £20900 -
On campus Voltijd

Internationale Betrekkingen

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
International Relations and Politics MA (Hons) 77% 0% 5% £20900 £21900 180
On campus Voltijd
History and International Relations MA (Hons) - 5% 6% £20900 £21900 170
On campus Voltijd
Politics & International Relations PhD (3 years) PhD - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Politics & International Relations PhD (4 years) PhD - - - - -
On campus Voltijd

Sociale Wetenschappen

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
MA Arts & Social Sciences MA (UG) - - 10% £20900 £21900 137
On campus Voltijd
Social Research MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Social Research PgDip PgDip - - - - -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Forensic Anthropology (MSc) MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd

Maatschappelijk Werk

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Social Work PhD (3 years) PhD - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Social Work MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd

Gezondheid en sociale zorg

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Design for Healthcare MSc MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd

Engelse Studies

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
English with French MA (Hons) 56% 5% 7% £20900 £21900 173
On campus Voltijd
English with Spanish MA (Hons) 56% 5% 7% £20900 £21900 173
On campus Voltijd
English and Mathematics MA (Hons) 79% 5% 5% £20900 £21900 175
On campus Voltijd
English and History MA (Hons) 56% 5% 10% £20900 £21900 170
On campus Voltijd

Moderne Talen

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
English and European Languages MA (Hons) 56% 5% 7% £20900 £21900 173
On campus Voltijd
Politics and European Languages MA (Hons) 77% 5% 6% £20900 £21900 173
On campus Voltijd
International Relations and European Languages MA (Hons) 83% 5% 6% £20900 £21900 173
On campus Voltijd
History and European Languages MA (Hons) 63% 0% 5% £20900 £21900 166
On campus Voltijd
Philosophy and European Languages MA (Hons) 63% 5% 5% £20900 £21900 180
On campus Voltijd

Spaanse studies

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
History with Spanish MA (Hons) - 0% 5% £20900 £21900 166
On campus Voltijd

Creatief schrijven

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
English and Creative Writing MA (Hons) - 10% 15% £20900 £21900 170
On campus Voltijd

Toegepaste wiskunde

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Applied Mathematics PhD PhD - - - - -
On campus Voltijd
Applied Mathematics (MSc) MSc - - - - -
On campus Voltijd

77 Bachelor / Undergraduate opleidingen van University of Dundee - Catalogus


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Accountancy and Mathematics BSc (Hons) 66% 5% 5% £20900 £20600 172
On campus Voltijd
Accountancy BAcc 87% 0% 7% £20900 £21900 166
On campus Voltijd
Accountancy BAcc (Hons) 79% 5% 10% £20900 £21900 188
On campus Voltijd

Internationale Zaken

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
International Business with Spanish BSc (Hons) 77% 5% 7%