Writtle University College
Lijst van alle cursussen en graden aangeboden door Writtle University College
- Bachelor / Undergraduate & Master / Postgraduate programma's -.

26 Master / Postgraduate cursussen van Writtle University College - Catalogus

Business & Management

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Animal Management (Livestock Technology) DipHE - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd
Animal Management (Pet Behaviour and Welfare) DipHE - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd
Equine Performance and Business Management DipHE - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd
Animal Management (Zoo Management) DipHE - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Sports Studies CertHE - - - £13335 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd

Sport- en bewegingswetenschappen

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Sports Science with Exercise Referral DipHE - - - £14000 -
On campus Voltijd
Sports Science with Coaching DipHE - - - £14000 -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Equine Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation DipHE - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Veterinary Physiotherapy MVetPhys - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Equine Performance Science DipHE - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd
Equine Behavioural Science DipHE - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd
Equine Studies CertHE - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Horticulture DipHE - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd
Horticulture CertHE - - - £13080 -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Animal Studies (level 4) CertHE - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd
Animal Science (Pet Behaviour and Welfare) DipHE - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd
Animal Science (Zoo Management) DipHE - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd
Animal Science (Livestock Technology) DipHE - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd
Canine Studies CertHE - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd
Canine Studies DipHE - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd
Animal Science DipHE - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd

Beheer van dieren

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Animal Management DipHE - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd

Productie van voedsel en dranken

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Sustainable Food Production (Fresh Produce) CertHE - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd
Sustainable Food Production (Fresh Produce) DipHE - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Agriculture DipHE - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd
Agriculture (level 4) CertHE - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd

41 Bachelor / Undergraduate opleidingen van Writtle University College - Catalogus

Sport- en bewegingswetenschappen

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Sports Science with Exercise Referral BSc (Hons) - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd
Sports Science with Coaching with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) - - - £14000 -
On campus Voltijd
Sports Science with Education BSc (Hons) - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd
Sports Science with Coaching BSc (Hons) - - - £14000 -
On campus Voltijd
Sports Science with Exercise Referral with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) - - - £14000 -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Equine Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (with Foundation Year) BSc (Hons) - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd
Equine Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation BSc (Hons) - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd



Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Horticulture BSc (Hons) - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd
Horticulture (with Foundation Year) BSc (Hons) - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Equine Behavioural Science (with Foundation Year) BSc (Hons) - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd
Equine Performance Science BSc (Hons) - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd
Equine Performance Science (with Foundation Year) BSc (Hons) - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd
Equine Behavioural Science BSc (Hons) - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Animal Therapy (with Foundation Year) BSc (Hons) - - - £13080 -
On campus Voltijd
Canine Therapy BSc (Hons) - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd
Canine Therapy (with Foundation Year) BSc (Hons) - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd
Animal Therapy BSc (Hons) - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd


Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Agriculture (with Foundation Year) BSc (Hons) - - - £13080 -
On campus Voltijd
Agriculture (Regenerative Systems) with Foundation Year BSc - - - £13080 -
On campus Voltijd
Agriculture (Regenerative Systems and Livestock) BSc (Hons) - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd
Agriculture (Regenerative Systems and Livestock) with Foundation Year BSc - - - £13080 -
On campus Voltijd
Agriculture (Regenerative Systems) BSc (Hons) - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd
Agriculture BSc (Hons) - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd

Beheer van dieren

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Animal Management BSc (Hons) - - - £13080 £14000 -
On campus Voltijd

Alle deeltijdopleidingen van de Writtle University College

2 Bachelor / Undergraduate opleidingen van Writtle University College - Catalogus

Productie van voedsel en dranken

Programma Studenten­tevredenheid Werke­loos Drop­out Collegegeld (Inter­nationaal) UCAS tarief
Sustainable Food Production (Fresh Produce) BSc (Hons) - - - £13080 -
On campus Deeltijd
Sustainable Food Production (Fresh Produce) with Foundation Year BSc - - - £13080 -
On campus Deeltijd