Liverpool Hope University
Lista de todos os cursos e graduações oferecidos por Liverpool Hope University
- Programas de Bacharelado / Graduação e Mestrado / Pós-graduação -

1 Cursos de Mestrado / Pós-graduação Liverpool Hope University - Catálogo

Política da União Europeia

Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Contemporary European Affairs MA - - - - - Oncampus Período integral

199 Cursos de Bacharelado / Licenciatura da Liverpool Hope University - Catálogo

Engenharia de software

Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Software Engineering (with Year in Industry) BEng 82% 15% 9% £12500 125 Oncampus Período integral
Software Engineering BSc (Hons) 82% 15% 9% £12500 125 Oncampus Período integral
Software Engineering (with Foundation Year and Year in Industry) BEng 82% 15% 9% £12500 125 Oncampus Período integral
Software Engineering (with Foundation Year and Year in Industry) BSc (Hons) 82% 15% 9% £12500 125 Oncampus Período integral

Informática e Tecnologia da Informação

Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
History and Information Technology (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 82% 10% 10% £12500 108 Oncampus Período integral
Information Technology and Media & Communication (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 82% 0% 10% £12500 115 Oncampus Período integral
Information Technology and Social Care (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 82% 0% 10% £12500 141 Oncampus Período integral
Education and Information Technology (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 82% 3% 10% £12500 119 Oncampus Período integral
Education and Information Technology BA (Hons) 66% 5% 8% £12500 117 Oncampus Período integral
Childhood & Youth and Information Technology BA (Hons) 82% 10% 10% £12500 119 Oncampus Período integral


Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Computer Science (with Year in Industry) BSc (Hons) 85% 15% 15% £12500 121 Oncampus Período integral
Computer Science and Education (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 80% 15% 9% £12500 125 Oncampus Período integral
Computer Science and Media & Communication (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 80% 15% 9% £12500 123 Oncampus Período integral
Computer Science and Tourism (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 80% 15% 9% £12500 132 Oncampus Período integral
Computer Science and Special Educational Needs (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 80% 15% 9% £12500 122 Oncampus Período integral
Computer Science and Politics (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 80% 15% 9% £12500 115 Oncampus Período integral
Computer Science and Geography (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 80% 15% 9% £12500 122 Oncampus Período integral
Computer Science and Health & Wellbeing BA (Hons) 80% 15% 9% £12500 119 Oncampus Período integral
Computer Science and Tourism BA (Hons) 81% 5% 5% £12500 123 Oncampus Período integral
Computer Science and History BA (Hons) 80% 15% 9% £12500 120 Oncampus Período integral

Saúde e Bem-Estar

Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Health & Wellbeing and Media & Communication BA (Hons) 86% 0% 10% £12500 110 Oncampus Período integral
Health & Wellbeing and Media & Communication (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 86% 0% 10% £12500 110 Oncampus Período integral

Política Social

Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Social Policy and Sport & Physical Education BA (Hons) 85% 0% 13% £12500 123 Oncampus Período integral
Health & Wellbeing and Social Policy BA (Hons) 100% 0% 10% £12500 109 Oncampus Período integral
Mathematics and Social Policy BA (Hons) 95% 5% 10% £12500 113 Oncampus Período integral
Conservation Biology and Social Policy (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 84% 0% 10% £12500 112 Oncampus Período integral


Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Art & Design History and Sociology BA (Hons) 73% 0% 7% £12500 113 Oncampus Período integral
Education and Sociology (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 73% 0% 7% £12500 116 Oncampus Período integral
History and Sociology BA (Hons) 73% 0% 7% £12500 110 Oncampus Período integral


Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Economics and Media & Communication BA (Hons) 76% 0% 5% £12500 116 Oncampus Período integral
Economics and Social Policy (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 76% 0% 10% £12500 115 Oncampus Período integral
Economics and Education BA (Hons) 76% 3% 9% £12500 118 Oncampus Período integral
Economics and Health & Wellbeing BA (Hons) 76% 0% 10% £12500 112 Oncampus Período integral
Economics and Social Care BA (Hons) 76% 0% 5% £12500 130 Oncampus Período integral


Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Criminology and Mathematics BA (Hons) 95% 5% 10% £12500 113 Oncampus Período integral
Criminology and Mathematics (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 95% 5% 10% £12500 113 Oncampus Período integral
Criminology and Social Policy (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 73% 0% 7% £12500 112 Oncampus Período integral
Criminology and Law (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 73% 0% 7% £12500 109 Oncampus Período integral

Estudos da Infância e Juventude

Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Childhood & Youth and Social Policy BA (Hons) 100% 0% 0% £12500 111 Oncampus Período integral
Early Childhood and Psychology BA (Hons) 66% 5% 25% £12500 120 Oncampus Período integral
Early Childhood and Health & Wellbeing BA (Hons) 86% 0% 10% £12500 112 Oncampus Período integral
Early Childhood and Politics (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 76% 0% 0% £12500 109 Oncampus Período integral

Saúde e Assistência Social

Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Health & Wellbeing and Social Care (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 72% 0% 5% £12500 123 Oncampus Período integral
Conservation Biology and Social Care BA (Hons) 84% 0% 5% £12500 141 Oncampus Período integral
Social Care and Sport & Physical Education BA (Hons) 85% 0% 13% £12500 138 Oncampus Período integral
Art & Design History and Social Care BA (Hons) 72% 0% 5% £12500 141 Oncampus Período integral
Conservation Biology and Social Care (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 84% 0% 5% £12500 141 Oncampus Período integral

Relações Internacionais

Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
International Relations and Tourism (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 76% 0% 0% £12500 115 Oncampus Período integral
International Relations and Sport & Exercise Science BA (Hons) 84% 0% 20% £12500 116 Oncampus Período integral
International Relations and Media & Communication (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 76% 0% 0% £12500 107 Oncampus Período integral

Estudos da Primeira Infância

Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Dance and Early Childhood (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 91% 3% 9% £12500 125 Oncampus Período integral


Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
History and Politics BA (Hons) 76% 0% 0% £12500 97 Oncampus Período integral
Politics and Sport & Physical Education BA (Hons) 85% 0% 13% £12500 116 Oncampus Período integral

Biologia Humana

Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Human Biology and Tourism BA (Hons) 84% 5% 5% £12500 131 Oncampus Período integral
Human Biology and Sport & Exercise Science (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) - 0% 20% £12500 124 Oncampus Período integral
History and Human Biology (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 84% 10% 10% £12500 108 Oncampus Período integral
Human Biology and Special Educational Needs BA (Hons) 84% 0% 7% £12500 113 Oncampus Período integral
Human Biology and Mathematics BSc (Hons) 84% 5% 10% £12500 113 Oncampus Período integral
Human Biology and International Relations BA (Hons) 84% 0% 0% £12500 99 Oncampus Período integral
Human Biology and International Relations (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 84% 0% 0% £12500 99 Oncampus Período integral
Health & Wellbeing and Human Biology BA (Hons) 84% 0% 10% £12500 105 Oncampus Período integral

Ciências do Esporte e do Exercício

Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Social Care and Sport & Exercise Science (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 84% 0% 20% £12500 130 Oncampus Período integral
International Relations and Sport and Exercise Science (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 84% 0% 20% £12500 116 Oncampus Período integral
Early Childhood and Sport & Exercise Science (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 84% 0% 20% £12500 122 Oncampus Período integral
Politics and Sport and Exercise Science (With Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 85% 0% 20% £12500 116 Oncampus Período integral
Media & Communications and Sport & Exercise Science BA (Hons) 84% 0% 20% £12500 121 Oncampus Período integral
Sport & Exercise Science BSc (Hons) 75% 0% 15% £12500 135 Oncampus Período integral
Psychology and Sport & Exercise Science BSc (Hons) 84% 0% 20% £12500 124 Oncampus Período integral

Terapia Esportiva

Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Sport Rehabilitation BSc (Hons) 83% 0% 10% £12500 145 Oncampus Período integral

Estudos do Desporto

Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Education and Sport & Physical Education BA (Hons) 85% 0% 13% £12500 131 Oncampus Período integral

Teatro Musical

Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Accounting & Finance and Musical Theatre (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 71% 0% 5% £12500 113 Oncampus Período integral
Musical Theatre and Special Educational Needs BA (Hons) 73% 0% 7% £12500 114 Oncampus Período integral
English Literature and Musical Theatre BA (Hons) 85% 5% 15% £12500 117 Oncampus Período integral
Musical Theatre and Politics BA (Hons) 76% 0% 0% £12500 107 Oncampus Período integral
Criminology and Musical Theatre (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 82% 15% 9% £12500 125 Oncampus Período integral
Musical Theatre and Religious Studies (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 87% 5% 10% £12500 120 Oncampus Período integral
History and Musical Theatre (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 95% 10% 10% £12500 112 Oncampus Período integral
Geography and Musical Theatre (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 76% 5% 5% £12500 114 Oncampus Período integral


Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Drama and Health & Wellbeing BA (Hons) 86% 0% 10% £12500 112 Oncampus Período integral
Drama and English Language BA (Hons) 88% 0% 10% £12500 121 Oncampus Período integral
Drama and English Literature (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 85% 5% 15% £12500 119 Oncampus Período integral
Drama and Mathematics (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 95% 5% 10% £12500 116 Oncampus Período integral
Drama and Sport & Exercise Science (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 84% 0% 20% £12500 123 Oncampus Período integral
Drama and Early Childhood BA (Hons) 91% 3% 9% £12500 119 Oncampus Período integral
Drama and Information Technology BA (Hons) 91% 3% 9% £12500 117 Oncampus Período integral
Drama & Geography BA (Hons) 97% 5% 5% £12500 116 Oncampus Período integral
Drama and Music Production BA (Hons) 73% 0% 7% £12500 106 Oncampus Período integral
Drama and Mathematics BA (Hons) 95% 5% 10% £12500 116 Oncampus Período integral


Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
English Literature and Music (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 85% 5% 15% £12500 117 Oncampus Período integral
Music and Stage Design & Scenography (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 82% 5% 5% £12500 115 Oncampus Período integral
Media & Communication and Music Production (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 84% 0% 5% £12500 115 Oncampus Período integral
Music and Psychology BA (Hons) 66% 5% 0% £12500 135 Oncampus Período integral
Mathematics and Music Production BA (Hons) 95% 5% 10% £12500 114 Oncampus Período integral
Music Production and Philosophy & Ethics BA (Hons) 83% 5% 10% £12500 114 Oncampus Período integral
Childhood & Youth and Music BA (Hons) 78% 10% 5% £12500 117 Oncampus Período integral
Music and Special Educational Needs (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 73% 0% 7% £12500 114 Oncampus Período integral
Health & Wellbeing and Music BA (Hons) 86% 0% 10% £12500 110 Oncampus Período integral
Human Biology and Music Production (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 84% 5% 5% £12500 115 Oncampus Período integral
History and Music (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 95% 10% 10% £12500 112 Oncampus Período integral
Media & Communication and Music (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 84% 0% 5% £12500 115 Oncampus Período integral
Music BA (Hons) 76% 10% 15% £12500 122 Oncampus Período integral
Music and Social Policy BA (Hons) 100% 0% 10% £12500 114 Oncampus Período integral
Business Management and Music Production (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 47% 5% 5% £12500 122 Oncampus Período integral
Music and Philosophy & Ethics BA (Hons) 83% 5% 10% £12500 114 Oncampus Período integral
Music Production and Politics (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 76% 0% 0% £12500 107 Oncampus Período integral
Economics and Music Production (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 76% 5% 5% £12500 117 Oncampus Período integral

Artes Plásticas

Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Art & Design History and Conservation Biology BA (Hons) 84% 0% 15% £12500 122 Oncampus Período integral
Fine Art (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 80% 15% 9% £12500 122 Oncampus Período integral

Estudos Fílmicos

Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Film & Visual Culture and Stage Design & Scenography (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 82% 0% 5% £12500 115 Oncampus Período integral
Accounting & Finance and Film & Visual Culture BA (Hons) 71% 0% 5% £12500 113 Oncampus Período integral
Drama and Film & Visual Culture (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 84% 0% 5% £12500 117 Oncampus Período integral
Film & Visual Culture and Stage Design & Scenography BA (Hons) 82% 0% 5% £12500 115 Oncampus Período integral
Film & Visual Culture and Sport & Exercise Science (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 84% 0% 20% £12500 121 Oncampus Período integral
Film & Visual Culture and History (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 95% 10% 10% £12500 111 Oncampus Período integral
Film & Visual Culture and Human Biology (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 84% 0% 5% £12500 115 Oncampus Período integral
Film & Visual Culture and Tourism BA (Hons) 81% 5% 5% £12500 123 Oncampus Período integral
Film & Visual Culture and Religious Studies (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 87% 5% 10% £12500 120 Oncampus Período integral
Drama and Film & Visual Culture BA (Hons) 84% 0% 0% £12500 137 Oncampus Período integral
Film & Visual Culture and Religious Studies BA (Hons) 87% 5% 10% £12500 120 Oncampus Período integral

Estudos de Educação

Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
International Relations and Special Educational Needs (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 73% 0% 7% £12500 106 Oncampus Período integral
Education and Health & Wellbeing BA (Hons) 86% 0% 10% £12500 112 Oncampus Período integral
Conservation Biology and Education (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 84% 3% 9% £12500 119 Oncampus Período integral
Social Policy and Sport and Physical Education (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 85% 0% 13% £12500 123 Oncampus Período integral
Dance and Sport & Physical Education (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 85% 0% 13% £12500 133 Oncampus Período integral
Mathematics and Special Educational Needs BA (Hons) 95% 5% 10% £12500 113 Oncampus Período integral
Special Educational Needs & Disability Studies BA (Hons) 73% 0% 7% £12500 145 Oncampus Período integral
Special Educational Needs and Sport & Physical Education (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 85% 0% 13% £12500 123 Oncampus Período integral


Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Health & Wellbeing and Theology (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 86% 0% 10% £12500 115 Oncampus Período integral
Media & Communication and Theology BA (Hons) 87% 5% 10% £12500 120 Oncampus Período integral
Health & Wellbeing and Theology BA (Hons) 86% 0% 10% £12500 115 Oncampus Período integral


Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Law and Philosophy & Ethics BA (Hons) 38% 10% 6% £12500 109 Oncampus Período integral
Health & Wellbeing and Philosophy & Ethics (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 100% 0% 10% £12500 118 Oncampus Período integral
Childhood & Youth and Philosophy & Ethics (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 78% 10% 5% £12500 116 Oncampus Período integral
Computer Science and Philosophy & Ethics BA (Hons) 80% 15% 9% £12500 122 Oncampus Período integral
Early Childhood and Philosophy & Ethics BA (Hons) 83% 5% 10% £12500 116 Oncampus Período integral
Economics and Philosophy & Ethics BA (Hons) 76% 5% 10% £12500 115 Oncampus Período integral
Law and Philosophy & Ethics (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 38% 10% 6% £12500 109 Oncampus Período integral
Criminology and Philosophy & Ethics (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 73% 0% 7% £12500 113 Oncampus Período integral

Estudos Religiosos

Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Psychology and Religious Studies (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 66% 5% 8% £12500 123 Oncampus Período integral
Early Childhood and Religious Studies (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 87% 5% 10% £12500 122 Oncampus Período integral
Law and Religious Studies (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 38% 10% 6% £12500 115 Oncampus Período integral
Conservation Biology and Religious Studies BA (Hons) 38% 10% 6% £12500 112 Oncampus Período integral
Religious Studies and Social Care BA (Hons) 72% 0% 5% £12500 133 Oncampus Período integral

Língua Inglesa

Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
English Language and Politics (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 76% 0% 0% £12500 111 Oncampus Período integral
English Language and Geography BA (Hons) 88% 0% 10% £12500 118 Oncampus Período integral
English Language and Human Biology (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 84% 0% 10% £12500 124 Oncampus Período integral
English Language and History BA (Hons) 88% 0% 10% £12500 116 Oncampus Período integral
English Language and Tourism (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 81% 5% 5% £12500 128 Oncampus Período integral

Escrita Criativa

Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Creative Writing and Dance (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 74% 5% 5% £12500 118 Oncampus Período integral
Creative Writing and Psychology (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 66% 5% 8% £12500 113 Oncampus Período integral
Creative Writing and Drama (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 74% 5% 5% £12500 112 Oncampus Período integral
Creative Writing and Geography BA (Hons) 74% 5% 5% £12500 109 Oncampus Período integral
Creative Writing and Criminology BA (Hons) 73% 0% 7% £12500 109 Oncampus Período integral

Literatura Inglesa

Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Education and English Literature (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 85% 3% 15% £12500 119 Oncampus Período integral
English Literature and International Relations (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 76% 0% 0% £12500 109 Oncampus Período integral
English Literature and Politics (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 76% 0% 0% £12500 109 Oncampus Período integral
English Literature and Philosophy & Ethics (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 73% 0% 7% £12500 106 Oncampus Período integral


Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Marketing and Philosophy & Ethics BA (Hons) 90% 5% 15% £12500 111 Oncampus Período integral
Early Childhood and Marketing (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 90% 5% 15% £12500 113 Oncampus Período integral
Marketing and Social Policy BA (Hons) 100% 0% 10% £12500 110 Oncampus Período integral


Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Accounting & Finance and Information Technology (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 82% 0% 10% £12500 112 Oncampus Período integral
Accounting & Finance and Theology (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 71% 0% 5% £12500 118 Oncampus Período integral
Accounting & Finance and Philosophy & Ethics (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 71% 0% 5% £12500 112 Oncampus Período integral
Accounting & Finance and Computer Science BA (Hons) 80% 15% 9% £12500 122 Oncampus Período integral
Accounting & Finance and Sociology BA (Hons) 73% 0% 7% £12500 112 Oncampus Período integral
Accounting & Finance and Conservation Biology (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 84% 0% 5% £12500 112 Oncampus Período integral

Negócios e Gestão

Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Business Management and Dance BA 80% 5% 4% £12500 118 Oncampus Período integral
Business Management and Early Childhood BA (Hons) 80% 5% 4% £12500 111 Oncampus Período integral
Accounting & Finance and Business Management BA (Hons) 80% 5% 0% £12500 114 Oncampus Período integral
Business Management and Sociology BA (Hons) 73% 0% 7% £12500 108 Oncampus Período integral
Business Management and Law BA (Hons) 38% 10% 10% £12500 104 Oncampus Período integral
Business Management and Childhood & Youth BA (Hons) 73% 0% 7% £12500 127 Oncampus Período integral
Business Management and Religious Studies (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 80% 5% 4% £12500 114 Oncampus Período integral
Business Management and International Relations (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 76% 0% 0% £12500 101 Oncampus Período integral
Business Management and Criminology BA 73% 0% 7% £12500 108 Oncampus Período integral


Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Education and Tourism BA (Hons) 84% 0% 5% £12500 114 Oncampus Período integral


Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Law (with Foundation Year) LLB (Hons) 38% 10% 0% £12500 105 Oncampus Período integral
Health & Wellbeing and Law BA (Hons) 86% 0% 10% £12500 105 Oncampus Período integral
Health & Wellbeing and Law (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 86% 0% 10% £12500 105 Oncampus Período integral
Law and Tourism (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 38% 10% 6% £12500 118 Oncampus Período integral
Law and Tourism BA (Hons) 38% 10% 6% £12500 118 Oncampus Período integral
Law and Social Policy (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 100% 0% 10% £12500 109 Oncampus Período integral


Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Conservation Biology and Psychology (with Foundation Year) BSc (Hons) 84% 5% 8% £12500 122 Oncampus Período integral
Mathematics and Psychology BSc (Hons) 66% 5% 8% £12500 117 Oncampus Período integral
Conservation Biology and Psychology BSc (Hons) 84% 5% 8% £12500 122 Oncampus Período integral
Psychology and Sociology BA (Hons) 66% 5% 0% £12500 104 Oncampus Período integral
Psychology and Tourism (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 66% 5% 8% £12500 127 Oncampus Período integral
Psychology and Stage Design & Scenography BA (Hons) 66% 5% 8% £12500 122 Oncampus Período integral
Health & Wellbeing and Psychology BA (Hons) 66% 5% 8% £12500 113 Oncampus Período integral


Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Geography and Mathematics BSc (Hons) 95% 5% 10% £12500 113 Oncampus Período integral
Physical Geography BSc (Hons) 95% 15% 10% £12500 113 Oncampus Período integral
Geography and Mathematics (with Foundation Year) BSc (Hons) 95% 5% 10% £12500 113 Oncampus Período integral
Early Childhood and Geography (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 76% 0% 0% £12500 106 Oncampus Período integral
Physical Geography (with Foundation Year) BSc (Hons) 95% 15% 10% £12500 113 Oncampus Período integral
Geography and Social Policy (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) 100% 0% 10% £12500 112 Oncampus Período integral

Geografia Ambiental

Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Environmental Geography (with Foundation Year) BSc (Hons) 95% 15% 10% £12500 113 Oncampus Período integral


Programa Satis­fação do aluno Desem­pregado Deixar­fora Aulas (Inter­national) Taxas UCAS
Criminology and Nutrition BA (Hons) 47% 0% 5% £12500 113 Oncampus Período integral
Childhood & Youth and Nutrition BA (Hons) 47% 10% 5% £12500 116 Oncampus Período integral
Human Biology and Nutrition BSc (Hons) 47% 0% 5% £12500 113 Oncampus Período integral

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