Lancaster University
Human Geography (Placement Year) BA (Hons)
Lancaster University

Key Course Facts

Student Reviews

Below you can see course specific reviews of 10 graduates of Human Geography (Placement Year) BA (Hons) and other courses in Human Geography at Lancaster University for each of the survey questions in comparison to the average for all UK degree courses in Human Geography.

Overall student satisfaction
84 /100
10 total respondents

Primarily based on data from undergraduate degree students.

The NSS is commissioned by the Office for Students


Salary of Graduates in Geography, Earth and Environmental Studies

Important: Salary data below is not course specific, but contains data of all students of Human Geography at the university. Due to data collection methodology, salary data is mainly based on data related to undergraduate students.

  15 months after graduation 3 years after graduation 5 years after graduation
Median salary £25000 £23500 £29000
25-75 percentile range £22000 - £28000 £19500 - £28500 £24000 - £36000

Salary of all UK Graduates of Geography, Earth and Environmental Studies

  15 months after graduation 3 years after graduation 5 years after graduation
Median salary £25503 £25946 £31907
25-75 percentile range £21993 - £29503 £21407 - £31949 £25423 - £41399

Course Description

With a unique blend of social sciences and geography, gain first-hand experience of the ways in which people interact with their environment and how they form communities, cultures, and economies. Benefit from support to secure a paid placement enabling you to experience twelve months working in the type of organisation that you might aspire to join when you graduate.

You will study a diverse range of modules that are developed and taught by our world-class academics who are leading experts in human, environmental and political geography, development studies, Anthropology, political economy and science and technology.

Our location, between the rural settings of the north and the bustling cities of Liverpool and Manchester, enables us to explore some of the UK’s most unique areas of geographic interest. You will gain a wealth of hands-on experience with field trips to places such as Manchester city centre, the Cumbrian coast and the Lake District, as well as international locations such as Croatia.

While studying at the Lancaster Environment Centre (LEC), you will have access to state-of-the-art computer systems and software. You will work in comfortable class sizes, giving you the opportunity to get to know your lecturers personally and benefit from their expert knowledge and helpful one-to-one advice.

First year modules equip you with a well-rounded introduction to some of the key themes of human geography, as well as helping you to develop skills used by geographers to analyse problems within the discipline. In addition to the Geography modules, you will be given the opportunity to take two other subjects alongside your first year studies. You may use this opportunity to explore some of the many subjects offered within the LEC, or study further social sciences such as Sociology or Politics, or gain transferable skills in Economics or Marketing.

In the second year, you will undertake a series of core modules that focus on human geography skills, concepts and research techniques. Optional choices include our Communicating Geography module in which you can help teach the subject in a local school, gaining valuable classroom experience.

To prepare you for your work placement year, our Careers and Placements Team will provide advice and guidance on: the skills required to create effective CVs, cover letters and applications; tips and techniques on how to make an impact at interviews and assessment centres; how to create a relevant digital profile; and how to research employers and career sectors of interest. In addition, there is great emphasis placed upon developing self-awareness and on how to present yourself in a professional manner to employers. This optional provision will be delivered via a blend of traditional and digital methods including face-to-face workshops, online webinars, e-courses and 1:1 appointments.

You will spend your third year on an industrial placement, before returning to Lancaster for your fourth year where you will continue in your chosen specialties. The placement offers you the opportunity to work as a full-time employee of the organisation whilst still receiving both academic and pastoral support.

In the final (fourth) year you will undertake a dissertation project, guided by your academic supervisor, which offers a chance to perform original geographical research on a topic of your choice. While completing the dissertation, you will use the key research, analytical and academic writing skills you have learnt throughout your degree. You may wish to take advantage of the unique opportunity to collaborate with a business to complete your dissertation research, allowing you to gain valuable work experience at the same time. In addition, you may select from a range of optional modules which cover topics such as food and agriculture, health, enterprise and global consumption, as well as field courses to Croatia and Switzerland.

Jobs & Career Perspectives

15 months after graduation, graduates of this course were asked about what they do and, if they are working, about their current job and their perspectives.

Current jobs

Required skill level of job after 15 months

Jobs of graduates of this course (15 months after graduation)

Example below based on all graduates of Human Geography (Placement Year) BA (Hons) at Lancaster University

20% Sports and fitness occupations
15% Artistic, literary and media occupations
15% Business and public service associate professionals
10% Welfare and housing associate professionals
5% Elementary occupations
5% Teaching Professionals
5% Business and Financial Project Management Professionals
5% Managers, directors and senior officials
5% Finance Professionals
5% Business, Research and Administrative Professionals

Entry Requirements / Admissions

UCAS Tariff of Accepted Students for Human Geography

Qualification requirements

Including a relevant subject/science @ C or above (80 UCAS tariff points)

GCSE Mathematics grade C or 4, English Language grade C or 4

Requirements for international students / English requirements

IELTS academic test score (similar tests may be accepted as well)

    • 7.0
    • Graduate Degrees
    • 6.5
    • Undergraduate Degrees
Get advice on which foundation courses are best for you to still study Human Geography (Placement Year), BA (Hons), if you do not meet the minimum requirements in terms of UCAS score, A levels, or English language requirements.


Average student cost of living in the UK

Rent £518
Water, gas electricity, internet (at home) £50
Supermarket shopping £81
Clothing £35
Eating out £33
Alcohol £27
Takeaways / food deliveries £30
Going out / entertainment (excl.alcohol, food) £24
Holidays and weekend trips £78
Transport within city £17
Self-care / sports £20
Stationary / books £13
Mobile phone / internet £13
Cable TV / streaming £7
Insurance £51
Other £95
Average student cost of living £1092

London costs approx 34% more than average, mainly due to rent being 67% higher than average of other cities. For students staying in student halls, costs of water, gas, electricity, wifi are generally included in the rental. Students in smaller cities where accommodation is in walking/biking distance transport costs tend to be significantly smaller.

How to apply

Application deadline:

January 1, 2025

This is the deadline for applications to be completed and sent for this course. If the university or college still has places available you can apply after this date, but your application is not guaranteed to be considered.

Possible Entry Points:

  • year 1 (Default entry point)

University Rankings

Positions of Lancaster University in top UK and global rankings.

Rankings of Lancaster University in related subject specific rankings.

Social Studies & Humanities

    • #22 
    • #51 
    GRAS Global Ranking of Academic Subjects - ShanghaiRanking
    [Published 27 October, 2023]
    • #17 
    • #101 
    QS World University Rankings By Subject
    [Published 22 March, 2023]
    • #16 
    • #101 
    Social Sciences
    THE World University Rankings by Subject
    [Published 19 October, 2023]

See all 34 university rankings of Lancaster University

About Lancaster University

Lancaster University was established in 1964 and is located in the rural setting of Lancaster. The campus provides a series of amenities, including banks and a post office. Academically, all of this university’s courses and programmes are accredited and approved by MARP, ensuring that the curriculums delivered here are set at a high standard. In terms of facilities, students have access to a variety of study and recreational spaces intended to improve their wellbeing, such as Meditation and Tai Chi classes, and Woodland walks.

List of 452 Bachelor and Master Courses from Lancaster University - Course Catalogue

Student composition of Lancaster University

  • Things to know before you come to Lancaster University
  • Why did you come to Lancaster to study a postgraduate degree?
  • Things I wish I knew before coming to Lancaster University
  • 40 Questions with Lancaster University student Erin
  • My Favourite Spots in Lancaster

Where is this programme taught

Main Site
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